Thursday, 23 December 2010

New Blog


I have another blog. One thats much better than this one and a bit more private. HTTP://ORANRYAN.COM


Wednesday, 22 December 2010


Today I deactivated my Facebook Account. I had long found it an irritating and telegrammatic method of interacting with friends, and moreover found it more an arena for social competitiveness and careerism than a true social network. People posting their latest publication credits, their successes, and what time they got up in the morning becomes exhausting and mind boggling after a while. Does it really matter? I dont think so. Fb gives the illusion of intimacy, but without the real deal. Its genius lies in its capacity to connect without the interaction. I stayed as long as I did on Facebook because I was nervous about the reaction of my family, who are rather critical of my isolationist tendencies, and worry about my depressive personality. The irony is I trumpeted FB to many, but in the end its more like an addiction than a real addition to ones social life. I will try blogging. At least I know no one will be reading this.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Beginning to realize how complex the world of blogging is. How competitive, how demanding. I really dont know if I am up for it.



We got a new breed

Just like the old breed

And the new breed

They lived for greed


Heard the song by the the new boss

                                        Same as the old boss


I guess it made me think how our future has been mortgaged to an 80bn EU debt.




Thursday, 2 December 2010

Twisted Christmas California Dreamin'

I f that wasn’t enough as part of their Twisted Christmas features, stories and dramas giving a quirky take on the whole Christmas season, Oran Ryan will be sharing credits with such luminaries as Barry Devlin, writer of the soon to be released movie  A kiss for Jed Wood. (Yes! Barry Devlin of Horslips) and the featured writer is the marvellous Lora Lee Lorden Templeton. The show is broadcast live on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and there will be pod casts available, for those so interested.
Heres what KRCB have to say about their Twisted Christmas feature
In a dangerous world full of chaos and uncertainty, it’s good to know that some things can still counted on Twisted Christmas is one of those things, returning again for its eighth unpredictable year. The annual lit-comedy-variety show will once again feature the strangest and funniest holiday stories we could find, read aloud by political satirist Will Durst, Reed Martin (of the Reduced Shakespeare Company), comic Debi Durst, actor John Moran, and more. Listen for a special treat from monologist Josh Kornbluth, and outrageous performances by Doug Jayne (singing the Weirdest Christmas Songs Ever Written). Hosted by North Bay journalist and performer David Templeton, the show will also feature a tribute to Christmas carols by the Twisted Christmas All-Ukulele Orchestra